Services prawnicze

rozmowa jest bezpłatna

Nasze kadry

Jakiś ogólny tekst o kadrach Prowadzimy akta osobowe, przygotowujemy umowy i dokumenty pracownicze, monitorujemy terminy badań lekarskich czy szkoleń BHP. Składamy deklaracje rejestrujące i wyrejestrowujące ZUS.

We support our clients with our knowledge, we help them choose the optimal forms of employment, we help to obtain co-financing for salaries from PFRON or the Employment Office.

Offer of

HR services

We offer comprehensive personnel services for companies. We keep personal files, prepare contracts and employee documents, monitor the dates of medical examinations and health and safety training. We submit declarations of registration and deregistration to the Social Insurance Institution.

We support our clients with our knowledge, we help them choose the optimal forms of employment, we help to obtain co-financing for salaries from PFRON or the Employment Office.

We prepare applications to the Labour Office for the reimbursement of the costs of workplace equipment, for subsidies for the employment of employees or the organization of internships.

We help in obtaining work permits for foreigners, we prepare relevant documents and applications.

Payroll services

We calculate and prepare payrolls for people employed under a contract of employment or bills for people employed under civil law contracts. We charge income tax on salaries and insurance premiums. We submit a tax and insurance declaration.

Representation in front of offices

We participate in inspections and represent clients before the Tax Office, the Social Insurance Institution or the National Labour Inspectorate.

Access to the online platform

Each of our clients receives access to an online platform that allows him to send documents to our office, view obligations towards employees or state offices. The entrepreneur does not have to waste time traveling to the office, he can arrange all matters online.

Do you have a question?

Send your question directly to our HR specialists

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